14 research outputs found

    The use of a fuzzy logic approach for integration of vibration-based diagnostic features of rolling element bearings

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    Modern condition monitoring systems (CMS) collect and process enormous amount of data in order to provide the earliest and most dependable information of fault development within any of the machine components and their operation combined. According to numerous studies one of the most fault susceptible mechanical elements in rotating machinery are rolling element bearings. Although reliable techniques for their diagnostics are already proposed, the new investigation is needed. According to authors experience in many industrial applications the operators are obligated to simultaneously track hundreds of diagnostic estimates, such as signals energy, its peakedness or narrowband characteristics for localized faults. As mentioned, for a vibration-based CMS of single wind turbine there are nearly 150 of them. Therefore, the authors employ a fuzzy logic approach for integration of bearing diagnostic features. A new estimate that carry most relevant information about bearing condition is discussed. The reasoning is presented on simulated data that mimics real rotating machine


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    Autorzy w swym artykule zajęli się problematyką współczesnych zagrożeń, z których za najważniejsze uznali: • działalność państwa islamskiego inspirującego i dokonującego zamachów w Europie, • niekontrolowaną falę uchodźców z państw objętych wojną do krajów Unii Europejskiej, • imperialną i agresywną politykę Rosji, • antydemokratyczne zmiany zachodzące w Turcji, po nieudanym puczu. W oparciu o wskazane konkretne sytuacje wyjaśnili czym są zagrożenia i jakie znaczenie nadajemy współcześnie pojęciu bezpieczeństwa. Omówili wieloaspektowość i złożoność tej problematyki posługując się klasyfikacją wprowadzoną przez Barry Buzana, głównego przedstawiciela tzw. Szkoły Sztokholmskiej. Wyrażał on pogląd, iż ze względu na przedmiot zainteresowania bezpieczeństwo podobnie jak zagrożenia ma charakter sektorowy. Autorzy wskazali, że pomimo wyodrębnienia poszczególnych sektorów bezpieczeństwa działania zmierzające do jego zapewnienia muszą mieć charakter kompleksowy i interdyscyplinarny. Wynika to z faktu, że nie ma zagrożeń, które występowałyby tylko w jednym obszarze, z reguły przenikają one do różnych sfer życia społecznego i gospodarczego. Ich zdaniem brak takich szerokich i różnorodnych działań może doprowadzić do sytuacji, w której pomimo aktywności w zakresie neutralizacji zagrożeń nie udaje się uzyskać pożądanych efektów. Autorzy posługując się przykładem takiej właśnie reakcji państw Zachodu na imperialną politykę Rosji udowadniają tezę, że brak działań wielosektorowych w stosunku do agresywnej Rosji powoduje, że są one nieskuteczne. Wskazują także konkretne przedsięwzięcia, których podjęcie może zapewnić państwom NATO bezpieczeństwo, a Rosję powstrzymać przed eskalowaniem zagrożeń, zwłaszcza dla najbliższych sąsiadów, w tym Polski


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    The authors in their article took up issues of contemporary threats, of which the most important were: • Activities of Islamic state, inspiring and making attacks in Europe. • Uncontrolled wave ofrefugeesfrom war zonesto European Union countries. • Imperial and aggressive policy of Russia. • Anti-democratic developments in Turkey, after a failed coup. Based on the indicated specific situations they explained the risks and meaning we give to the concept of security today. They discussed many aspects and complexities of these issues using the classification introduced by Barry Buzan, the main representative of the so-called School of Stockholm. He expressed the view that because of the subject of interest, security as well as the threat is of a sectoral nature. The authors pointed out that despite the separation of the various security sectors the efforts to ensure security must be comprehensive and interdisciplinary. This is due to the fact that there are no risks that would exist only in one area. Usually they penetrate the different spheres of social and economic life. In their view, the lack of such broad and diverse activities can lead to a situation in which, despite activities in neutralizing threats the desired affects are not achieved. Authors using an example such as this one from Western countries on the imperial policy of Russia prove the thesis that the lack of multisector activities in relation to Russia’s aggressiveness means that they are ineffective. They also point to the specific undertakings that could be taken to ensure the security of NATO countries and Russia to refrain from the escalation of threats, especially for their nearest neighbors, including Poland

    Comparative analysis of organized crime and international terrorism

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    Autorzy podjęli próbę zaprezentowania najważniejszych organizacji przestępczych działających na świecie. Przedstawili ich genezę, kulturę organizacyjną, zasady działania, tradycję, główne obszary ich aktywności oraz główne zagrożenia jakie generuje ona dla ekonomiki oraz społeczeństw zarówno w państwach skąd się wywodzą jak i dla gospodarki międzynarodowej. Autorzy zwrócili uwagę na przyczyny patologii społecznej jaką jest przestępczość zorganizowana, a także na jej dużą dynamikę i różnorodność. Odnieśli się do hipotezy, że istnieją bliskie związki tego rodzaju przestępczości z największym obecnie zagrożeniem bezpieczeństwa jakim jest terroryzm. Przeprowadzona przez nich krytyczna analiza literatury zajmującej się najgroźniejszymi formami przestępczości zorganizowanej potwierdziła, że istnieje ścisły związek pomiędzy działalnością grup dokonujących przestępstw kryminalnych i tych, których celem jest dokonywanie zamachów terrorystycznych. Autorzy dokonali analizy porównawczej terroryzmu i przestępczości zorganizowanej wskazując podobieństwa i różnice. Jednocześnie podali przykłady współdziałania pomiędzy grupami reprezentującymi te dwa, tylko z pozoru odmienne zjawiska. Tak naprawdę bardzo często wzajemnie się przenikają, a niekiedy są nawet tożsame. Artykuł kończy się konkluzją, że zarówno grupy terrorystyczne jak i przestępcze mają charakter transnarodowy, a to powoduje, że ich zwalczanie także nie może mieć granic, chyba że te które wyznaczają prawa człowieka.Authors described the most important and influential major crimes organisations that are active worldwide. They’ve presented their genesis, structure, set of rules and traditions.. Authors identified as well areas of activities and main treats caused by the influence of organised crimes on economy both internal and international. Authors also focused their attention on reasons for social pahtologies in organised crimes, it’s dynamics and diversity. Writers have referred to the hypothesis, that they are very close ties between treats generated by organised crimes and terrorist groups. Critical analysis of literature conducted by the Authors leads to the point that there is a direct connection between groups that are committing crimes and groups perpetrating terrorist attacks. Authors analysed differences and similarities between terrorist and organised crime groups. They’ve proven as well that there is in fact cooperation between those two groups, pointing that sometimes they are even the same. Final conclusion of the article is that terrorist groups and organised crimes groups are transnational and leads to the point that fighting them has to be transnational as well. Fighting both of this groups cannot have any borders or limits unless it’s treating human rights

    Non-Invasive Study of Pigment Palette Used by Olga Boznańska Investigated with Analytical Imaging, XRF, and FTIR Spectroscopy

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    The scientific examination and comparative investigation of pigments are fundamental for further understanding and analysis of historic and artistic works, and particularly useful for conservators. In fine art authentication, investigations are strongly focused on the identification of the painting materials used by the author. This study is focused on the use of non-invasive analytical techniques to increase the knowledge of the painting technique of Olga Boznańska. The aim of this study was to assess the technology, painting technique, and materials used by Olga Boznańska. The pallets, tubes with the paints, and several oil paintings were studied. For each painting, a series of images were recorded using various ranges of electromagnetic radiation, including near-infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, and X-rays. In order to characterize the pigments present in the paint layer, measurements of the elemental composition by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) were carried out. The ground layers and paints were measured with infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). This allowed us to identify the artist’s painting technique and determine how she executed her painting, how she applied the paints, and what pigments she used

    Non-Invasive Study of Pigment Palette Used by Olga Boznańska Investigated with Analytical Imaging, XRF, and FTIR Spectroscopy

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    The scientific examination and comparative investigation of pigments are fundamental for further understanding and analysis of historic and artistic works, and particularly useful for conservators. In fine art authentication, investigations are strongly focused on the identification of the painting materials used by the author. This study is focused on the use of non-invasive analytical techniques to increase the knowledge of the painting technique of Olga Boznańska. The aim of this study was to assess the technology, painting technique, and materials used by Olga Boznańska. The pallets, tubes with the paints, and several oil paintings were studied. For each painting, a series of images were recorded using various ranges of electromagnetic radiation, including near-infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, and X-rays. In order to characterize the pigments present in the paint layer, measurements of the elemental composition by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) were carried out. The ground layers and paints were measured with infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). This allowed us to identify the artist’s painting technique and determine how she executed her painting, how she applied the paints, and what pigments she used

    Comparative Expression Analysis of Innate Immune Markers and Phagocytic Activity in Peripheral Blood of Dogs with Mammary Tumors

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    Canine innate immune system role in cancer prevention and progression remains poorly understood. It has been revealed that innate immune cells could play a dual role in cancer immunology promoting or inhibiting tumor development and growth. Current immunotherapies target mainly the adaptive anti-tumor response and that may be a reason why they remain ineffective in a majority of patients. It is important to acquire detailed knowledge about innate immune mechanisms to broaden the diagnostic and therapeutic options and employ innate immune cells in anti-cancer therapies. In the present study, 21 female dogs of different breeds and types of spontaneous mammary tumors were investigated. The study aimed to find simple and cheap markers that can be used for preliminary diagnosis, prior to the surgical resection of the tumor. The differences in innate immune cell quantity and function were investigated between female dogs with malignant mammary tumors of epithelial and mesenchymal origin. Flow cytometry was used to evaluate the percentages of CD5+ lymphocytes including CD5low lymphocytes, CD11b integrin expression on leukocytes, phagocytosis, and oxidative burst. The number of CD11b lymphocytes was increased in tumors with epithelial origin compared to the control group. No significant differences were found between the percentages of phagocytic cells neither for granulocytes nor for monocytes. However, the phagocytes of canine patients with tumors of epithelial origin showed increased phagocytosis compared to the control group. The percentages of granulocytes that produced reactive oxygen species (ROS) in response to E.coli and PMA were not altered in patients with malignant tumors compared to control. A statistically significant difference between the number of ROS produced by the single granulocyte was demonstrated only between the group of bitches with epithelial tumors and the control group in case of E. coli stimulation. The obtained results suggest that some innate immune cells may be involved in anti-tumor immune mechanisms and have the potential to be supportive diagnostic markers in canine mammary tumors

    Analytical Assessment of Bioelements in Various Types of Black Teas from Different Geographical Origins in View of Chemometric Approach

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    A comprehensive approach to the mineral composition of black teas of different origins was studied using the Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS) method, supported by chemometric tools including Principal Component Analysis PCA) and Classification and Regression Trees (CART). Significant differences between the teas from seven countries (Japan, Nepal, Kenya, Iran, Sri Lanka, India, and China) were shown. K was the main element determined in all teas, with an average concentration of 11,649 mg/kg, followed by Ca, Mg and Mn. In general, regarding all investigated black teas, the element content was ranked in the following order: K > Ca > Mg > Mn > Fe > Na > Zn > Cu. The applied chemometric methods allowed us to recognize black tea clusters based on their mineral composition and place of cultivation, and allowed us to find correlations between particular elements in black teas. The performed analyses revealed interesting correlations between the concentration of various elements in black teas: K was negatively correlated with Na, Fe, Mn and Cu; K was positively correlated with the content of Ca and Mg. Significant positive correlations between Mn and Fe and Mn and Zn in the studied black tea samples were also revealed. It was shown that mineral composition may be a significant factor regarding the origin of the black tea, not only considering the country, but also the region or province